Bullies Are Alll The Same


Bullies are weak minded cowards, liars, and criminals. Most police officers are bullies from what I have seen throughout my life. 

Here is how bullies operate:

• Constantly subject targets to destructive criticism (often euphemistically called constructive criticism, which is an oxymoron) - explanations and proof of achievement are ridiculed, overruled, dismissed or ignored

• Forever subject targets to nit-picking and trivial fault-finding (the triviality is the giveaway)

• Undermine targets, especially in front of others; false concerns are raised, or doubts are expressed over a person's performance or standard of work - however, the doubts lack substantive and quantifiable evidence, for they are only the bully's unreliable opinion and are for control, not performance enhancement

• Overrul, ignore, sideline, marginalize, and ostracise targets

• Isolate and exclude targets from what's happening (this makes people more vulnerable and easier to control and subjugate)

• Single out and treat differently targets (for example everyone else can have long lunch breaks but if they are one minute late it's a disciplinary offense)

• Belittle, degrade, demeane, ridicule, patronize, subject and subject targets to disparaging remarks

• Regularly subject targets to offensive language, personal remarks, or inappropriate bad language

• Unwanted sexual behavior towards targets

• Threaten, shout at and humiliate, especially in front of others targets

• Taunt and tease where the intention is to embarrass and humiliate

• Set unrealistic goals and deadlines which are unachievable or which are changed without notice or reason or whenever they get near achieving them

• Deny information or knowledge necessary for undertaking work and achieving objectives

• Starve of resources, sometimes whilst others often receive more than they need

• Deny support thus targets work work in a vacuum

• Either overload with work (this keeps people busy with no time to tackle bullying and makes it harder to achieve goals) or have all their work taken away (which is sometimes replaced with inappropriate menial jobs, eg photocopying, filing, making coffee)

• Have their responsibility increased but their authority removed

• Have their work plagiarized, stolen and copied - the bully then presents their target's work (eg to senior management) as their own

• Excessive monitoring, supervision, micro-management, recording, snooping etc

• Subject targets to written complaints by other members of staff (most of whom have been coerced into fabricating allegations - the complaints are trivial, often bizarre "He looked at me in a funny way" and often bear striking similarity to each other, suggesting a common origin)

• Forced to work long hours, often without remuneration and under threat of dismissal

• Find requests for leave have unacceptable and unnecessary conditions attached, sometimes overturning previous approval, especially if the person has taken action to address bullying in the meantime

• Deny annual leave, sickness leave, or - especially - compassionate leave

• When on leave, targets are harassed by calls at home or on holiday, often at unsocial hours

• Send unpleasant or threatening calls or are harassed with intimidating memos, notes or emails with no verbal communication, immediately prior to weekends and holidays (eg 4pm Friday or Christmas Eve - often these are hand-delivered)

• Do not give a clear job description, or have one that is exceedingly long or vague; the bully often deliberately makes the target's role unclear

• Are invited to "informal" meetings which turn out to be disciplinary hearings

• Deny representation at meetings, often under threat of further disciplinary action; sometimes the bully abuses their position of power to exclude any representative who is competent to deal with bullying

• Encourage targets to feel guilty, and to believe they're always the one at fault

• Subject targets to unwarranted and unjustified verbal or written warnings

• Facing unjustified disciplinary action on trivial or specious or false charges

• Targets Face dismissal on fabricated charges or flimsy excuses, often using a trivial incident from months or years previously

• Coerce targets into reluctant resignation, enforced redundancy, early or ill-health retirement

• Denial of the right to earn  livelihood including preventing tragets from getting another job, usually with a bad or misleading reference

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